Laser hair removal

For many years one of the indicators of a well-groomed woman is an epilated body. Unwanted hair can be removed in many ways, one of the most effective epilation is laser hair removal. The laser energy destroys hair bulbs permanently. In our office, for laser hair removal we use the Alma Soprano ICE. This laser has two working heads: diode and alexandite head. This is an Israeli laser, designed for both dark and light hair, so it works on typical Polish blondes. We invite you to the treatments.

List of treatment

Before laser depilation

Preparation for laser hair removal, laser epilation. Warsaw, Praga Południe district, MediWell Beauty

Preparing for a laser hair removal procedure is easy, however, you should remember about a few basic rules, which we follow in our office:

  • You must stop acne treatment with retinoids 6 months before making an appointment for laser epilation.
  • You should not epilate your hair with wax, depilator or tweezers for a month before the laser hair removal.
  • Do not use photosensitizing drugs (e.g. tetracyclines), photosensitizing herbs for 2 weeks before laser treatment.
  • The retinoid creams should be withdrawn at least week before epilation with Alma Soprano ICE laser at our office.
  • The creams with retinoids should be stopped at least week before epilation with Alma Soprano laser at our office.

If you meet all these requirements, you are cordially invited for laser hair removal to our office in Warsaw, 41/3 Kamionkowska street.

What should I do the day before the laser hair removal treatment? Warsaw, Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, Cosmetic Doctor Depilation

  • In the evening, the day before the treatment the area subject to depilation should be  shaved with the razor.
  • Our laser, Alma Soprano ICE works on shaved skin, it only needs the tip of the hair which is still left in the skin.
  • On the day of the treatment, before coming to dr Skoczylas, please do not apply any creams or body lotions on your skin.
  • Immediately before laser hair removal treatment, for the treatment to be effective, the skin must be clean, not lubricated with anything.
  • In case of face depilation: moustache on the upper lip, chin depilation,  cheeks epilation please do not put any make-up, wash off the foundation.
  • If the armpit area is to be epilated, do not use any deodorant or antiperspirant as these preparations may weaken the effect of Alma Soprano ICE laser.

How does Alma Soprano ICE laser, Dr Marta Skoczylas work? Laser depilation Warsaw, doctor, aesthetic medicine practice

The Alma Soprano ICE laser which is used in our clinic has two heads, a diode head for dark hair and an alexandrite head for light hair. Thanks to both heads the laser allows us to effectively depilate any color of hair, from dark to light and red. In our office, hair removal is performed by dr Marta Skoczylas, therefore the risk of burning the patient is minimal. The doctor selects the treatment parameters before the treatment, during the treatment, if necessary she corrects them taking care of the patient’s well-being. We know that every laser hair removal procedure involves some discomfort. Our laser, Alma Soprano ICE, is equipped with a cooling tip which makes laser epilation not very painful. The treatment, even for several areas, does not take long, up to 45 minutes maximum.

Face laser depilation

Face, neck laser depilation, Warsaw, MediWell Beauty

Excess facial hair is a problem that occurs in many women, with age the amount of hair on the face increases. Dark facial hair appears as a result of hormonal disorders, polycystic ovarian syndrome, sometimes also completely without any reason. If the problem with the appearance of hair is troublesome for you, we have a solution!

Every patient is equally important to me. With years of experience and trust we have been able to help many women. Most often I depilate the upper lip, chin, jaw line. Dark and stiff hair appears there. In the upper cheeks we have mesquite hair, long and light, which we can also get rid of. 

Preparation for the laser hair  removal procedure is described in the article above. I only ask to shave face with razor and not to pluck hair with tweezers 3 weeks before the treatment. The skin will be red after the laser treatment, it is quite a normal reaction and will disappear after a few hours. Our office is located in Warsaw, reservations can be made by phone or through our website.

Laser face hair depilation, face hair removal. Warsaw, Cosmetic Doctor, MediWell Beauty

In my office I use professional equipment which helps to relieve patients from constant facial hair removal. Modern laser Alma Soprano ICE removes both dark and light hair, even red hair. The only type of hair that is not subject to laser hair removal is grey hair. They usually appear at an older age. These hairs are devoid of pigment and no laser is able to epilate them.

Neck and shoulders hair removal, men depilation, Warsaw, Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, Dr Marta Skoczylas

Neck and shoulders laser depilation is very often practise by a men, they reduce the excess hair in those areas. Sometimes women suffering from hirsutism have dark and thick hairs there, they also have to undergone neck and shouldes epilation. In those cases we use diode head, to remove hairs fast and effective. In case of fine and fair hairs in those areas we use the alexandrite head it is very effective for those kind of hairs.

Armpit laser depilation

Armpit laser depilation, underarm laser hair removal. Warsaw, cosmetic doctor, MediWell Beauty.

None woman leaves home without underarm depilation. The old doubts whether the armpits should be depilated are already a memory. The only question is which method to choose. In our office in Warsaw, Praga Południe we recommend laser hair removal, because it gives you a great comfort. You don’t have to worry whether we can wear a strappy blouse or a swimsuit at a given moment. We are always well groomed.

Underarm hair is in 80% dark and thick, so it is very easy to undergo laser hair removal. Already after several treatments patients can see a huge difference. The hair becomes thinner and more delicate during the treatment, which is also appreciated by our patients. Laser underarm hair removal reduces sweating in this area, it is easier to maintain hygiene. Remember, however, that underarm hair also turns gray. The hair is already graying in 45-50 year old women. Gray hair is not subject to depilation with any laser, so there is nothing to wait for. We invite you to our promotions.

Laser hair removal in Warsaw, – treatment effects, smooth armpits. Doctor epilation, Warsaw

About two weeks after laser epilation treatment, the hair ends left in the skin will begin to fall out. The dead hair follicle will allow them to slide out of the skin. After this time you will notice the effect of perfectly smooth skin. After a few more weeks there will be hair under your armpits again. This is due to the fact that during hair reduction laser acts only on hair in the active growth phase. For this reason laser hair removal should be repeated regularly as recommended. After the first treatment your hair will be removed in about 20%. After about 5 laser treatments the hair can be eliminated in almost 100%. Of course, after a longer period of time single hairs may appear. Then it is enough to perform the so-called reminding treatment to continue to enjoy perfectly smooth skin.

Armpit hair removal, Warsaw, how to prepare for the laser treatment? Warszawa, Praga Południe

Are you interested in our underarm laser hair removal service in Warsaw? Are you wondering how to prepare for the treatment?

Before you decide to perform an epilation, visit our office. During the visit we will conduct an interview with you and rule out any possible contraindications. In addition, we will check the condition of your skin and hair type. If we determine that the laser treatment does not pose a threat to your health, we will provide you with the main recommendations, so that you can properly prepare for epilation. Most importantly, a week before the treatment you should not use any hair removal creams or cosmetics containing fruit acids, retinol and isotretinoin. It is also very important to shave the hair to be removed. Remember that hair sticking out above the skin surface can even lead to epidermal burns. Before the procedure, you need to take extra care of your skin – make sure that it is not dry and irritated. Moreover, it is recommended to stop using herbal teas containing calendula and St. John’s wort 2 weeks before epilation. If you want to learn more about the preparation for the laser hair removal treatment of armpits in Warsaw, we invite you to our office.

Bikini laser hair removal

Professional laser bikini hair removal – Warsaw, Praga Poludnie district, MediWell Beauty

Laser hair removal of intimate areas has long ceased to be a taboo subject, ladies are increasingly willing to have their entire bikini line depilated: pubic shaft, labia and groin.  If you do not feel comfortable with the amount of hair on your body – this treatment will positively affect your mood and self-confidence. All services offered by the Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine of Dr. Marta Skoczylas are performed using technologically advanced tools, which are a guarantee of great results, as well as safety during the procedure. There are several different types of laser hair removal and we invite you to contact us to make an appointment. The most important thing for us is your satisfaction, so we will make sure to advise you the best solution.

Proposed hair removal patterns:

Classic bikini: the most classic type of epilation, we epilate the hair in the groin so that our patients can freely wear a swimsuit, go to the pool

French bikini: this is a deeper form of epilation: in the middle of the pubic area we leave a narrower or wider strip of hair according to the patient’s preference

Brazilian bikini (called Hollywood in the US): total epilation, all the hair is removed from the pubic area, the groin and the outer labia.

The bikini area epilation is one of the more effective epilations. The hair growing in this area is dark and thick. Such hairs epilate the best, the effects are visible after the second treatment. To make the epilation fully effective and satisfying we perform about 6-8 treatments as a standard. It is worth remembering that laser hair depilation damages hair, from treatment to treatment they become thinner and more delicate. As a result of changing the structure of the hair, they stop growing into the skin, they do not make purulent changes (which occur after shaving in almost every patient). In our experience, bikini laser hair removal gives our patients the most satisfaction.

Permanent bikini line epilation – MediWell Beauty, Warsaw, Cosmetic Doctor

We invite you to take advantage of laser hair removal services offered by the MediWell Beauty. Deciding on the offered treatments – you have a guarantee of timeliness and proper execution.

Depilacja laserowa ud, łydek

Depilacja laserowa ud, łydek – Warszawa – w trosce o gładką skórę na długo

Depilacja laserowa łydek jest jednym z najpopularniejszych zabiegów depilacji. We współczesnym świecie, bez względu na kraj i religię kobiety usuwają włosy na nogach. Trwała depilacja to depilacja laserowa, laserem diodowym lub aleksandrytowym. Depilacja ta zmienia strukturę włosa i na stałe niszczy cebulki włosowe. W trakcie depilacji laserowej włosy przestają wrastać, uspokajają się wszystkie stany zapalne, znika zapalenie mieszków włosowych.

Depilacja laserowa ud, łydek Warszawa – w trosce o gładką skórę na długo

Usuwanie owłosienia tradycyjnymi metodami, takimi jak maszynki czy kremy depilacyjne daje krótkotrwałe efekty, każde wyjście na basen czy na plażę wymaga golenia od nowa. Od niedawna na naszym rynku znajdują się domowe urządzenia do depilacji laserowej, lasery IPL. One dają pewien efekt, jednak nie uszkadzają cebulek włosowych na stałe, włosy po pewnym czasie odrastają, i irytują.

Długotrwały efekt depilacji laserowej daje tylko laser diodowy, czy aleksandrytowy o dużej mocy. Są to profesjonalne urzadzenia, o sporych gabarytach z odpowiednim układem chłodzenia. Efekty zabiegu profesjonalnymi laserami utrzymują się długo ponieważ niszczą one cebulki włosowe na stałe.

Dlaczego warto wybrać zabieg depilacji laserem ALMA SOPRANO ICE, WARSZAWA

Depilacja laserem diodowym, czy aleksandrytowym niszczy cebulki włosowe. Z zabiegu na zabieg włosy przez nie produkowane są słabsze, cieńsze, bardziej delikatne. Zmiana struktury włosa eliminuje bardzo przykry objaw wrastania włosów w skórę, ropnie tworzące się na skórze nóg czy bikini ustępują, ponieważ włos jest bardziej miękki i delikatny i nie drażni skóry tak mocno jak przed depilacją laserową. Jest to bardzo ważne dla wielu pacjentek, wiele Pań boryka się z tym problemem.

Ilość zabiegów depilacji laserowej zależy od koloru włosa, rodzaju skóry pacjenta, jakości włosa. Niektórym wystarczy tylko 4 zabiegi, inni muszą wykonać 10 powtórzeń. Dotyczy to głownie Pań z zaburzeniami hormonalnymi.

Cena zabiegu depilacji laserowej nóg, ud, łydek: Warszawa, Praga Południe

Cena zabiegu depilacji laserowej znajduje się w zakładce cennik. Jest ona uzalezniona od rodzaju lasera wykorzystywanego do depilacji laserowej. Im bardziej nowoczesny laser, mniejszy ból przy zabiegu tym zabieg jest droższy. Mam nadzieję że nasze ceny będą akceptowane przez Państwa, zapraszamy do gabientu MediWell Beauty.

Depilacja laserowa brzucha, pleców


Depilacja laserowa pleców obejmuje obszar od barków do pasa. Depilacja laserowa brzucha obejmuje cały brzuch, od klatki piersiowej do linii bikinii, oraz linię białą, biegnącą od pępka do wzgórka łonowego.

Włosy na plecach są krępujące zarówno dla Pań, jak i dla Panów. Często depilujemy sportowców, pływaków, tancerzy, którym nadmierne owłosienie przeszkadza w ich pasjach. Depilacja laserowa pozwala uniknąć podrażniena przy goleniu pleców, wrastających włosów, na trwałe niszczy cebulki włosowe. Dzięki tej metodzie po około 8-10 zabiegach usuwamy 80-90% owłosienia. Im ciemniejsze włosy tym bardziej skuteczne depilacja.

Nadmierne owłosienie męskich pleców może mieć przyczyny genetyczne, ale bywa często efektem ubocznym stosowania sterydów, androgenów. Kiedyś gęste owłosienie ciała mężczyzny było traktowane jako oznaka jego męskości, ale współczesne kanony męskiej urody nie są tak życzliwe dla “kudłaczy”. Od mężczyzn oczekuje się teraz prawie gładkiej klatki piersiowej i nieowłosionych pleców.

Włosy na brzuchu są równie często usuwane u Pań i u Panów. Współczesne kanony mody, promują gładkie ciało bez zbędnego owłosienia.
Nie martwcie się, jeżeli zobaczycie, że po zabiegu laserowym włosy zostają w skórze. Może się wydawać, że kilka dni po zabiegu one nadal rosną. Po około 2 tygodniach włosy te wypadną, skóra będzie gładka.

Trwałe usuwanie włosów z pleców, brzucha, Warszawa, dr Marta Skoczylas

W naszym gabinecie do depilacji laserowej stosujemy laser Alma Soprano Ice. Wiązka energii generowana przez laser działa na cebulki włosowe powodująć ich termiczne uszkodzenie. Uszkodzenie to jest trwałe, jednak pod warunkiem, że włos rosnący z tej cebuli znajduje się w fazie wzrostu tzw.: fazie anagenu. Dlatego też zabieg epilacji laserowej jest powtarzany co 6 tygodni, aby zniszczyć włosy znajdujące się wtedy w odpowiednim stadium wzrostu.

Cena depilacji laserowej brzucha, pleców, Warszawa, Praga Południe, MediWell Beauty

Aktualny cennik znajduje się w zakładce „cennik” w menu głównym.

MediWell Beauty

ul. Kamionkowska 41/3
03-812 Warszawa, Praga Południe


+48 785 17 08 71

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pon. – piąt. 10:00 – 19:00
sob. 10:00 – 13:00